Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Why does Australia love Eurovsion?

It is clearly documented that Austrlia loves Eurovision (see
The special relationship: Australia and its love of Eurovision and Growing Eurovision popularity in Australia). But why is a singing contest for a continent on the other side of the world enjoyed so thoroughly by Australians? Here are a few reasons I've thought of:
  1. Australians love a good party! Any excuse for a getting a group together is a good excuse in Australia. It certainly helps that SBS who broadcast the Eurovision Song Contest do so during prime time over a "Eurovision weekend" of Friday, Saturday and Sunday night (This delayed telecast is part of the problem with Australia joining Eurovsion, but we talk about that later!). It is around this time of years most years that the typical Eurovision Drinking Games start to be sent around. These games to tend to make a Eurovision Party a bit wilder.
  2. Australia is a very multicultural country. As the song says, from all the lands on Earth we come. We have a clear colonial connection (and rivalry) with the United Kingdom and Ireland. We also have a diverse and widespread collection of continental Europeans as well. Melbourne is well known as having one of the largest Greek communties outside of Greece (roughly the same number as live in New York City). According to Wikipedia over 4% of Australians identify as being of Italian ancestry, and roughly the same amout of German ancestry. Indeed, Brisbane hosts it's own version of Oktoberfest every year (See Reason 1 Australians love a good party!).
  3. Australia has a great sense of humour. It is slightly concerning that even our own government goes to great lengths to explain that we have a sense of humour. As a nation we tend to love anything that doesn't take itself to seriously, which certainly Eurovision does not. We especially love self-depricating humour, and share an affinity with other cultures with similar values.
  4. Australia loves pop music. Like it or not Australia is a huge consumer of music in general and pop music specifically. There is no suprise that 2010's winning song Satelitte by Lena from Germany peaked at 37 on the Australian charts.
I'd love to know your reasons for why Eurovision is so beloved in Australia, so leave me a comment!!

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